Reggie is getting his Heisman back

Reggie filed a defamation lawsuit against the NCAA last year. They never did a proper investigation. Reggie has spoken about this for over a year now openly.

He gave the Heisman back and moved on with his life after they said they wanted it back on a conference call lol.

He decided to set the record straight and clear his name. Nothing to do with NIL at all.

Once he opened pandora box, do the math. Lazy, Terrible investigation, basically gossip, big name and a family situation they moved in a house provided by a friend of the family. Convicted felon want to be sports agents tried to black male and sue the family..etc for money. Complete mess.

Had this been investigated properly from the start and not rushed for publicity and headlines, this would have been a nothing burger.

Once he filed that lawsuit it was just a matter of time. I hope he keeps the case open and burns them all.