90% of Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory

I don't know if this counts as a tin foil hat conspiracy theory but I believe it

I believe that a certain percentage of speed camera tickets are BS

You don't get the ticket in the mail for 3 or 4 weeks (or longer), there is a picture of your car and the your listed speed is plausible not outrageous

You know damn well you weren't going 80 MPH in a 40, but 52 mph? That's possible

I once got a ticket saying I was going over 60 in Washington DC at like 8:30am. It's not even possible to go that fast on that street at that time of day

Basically, I was told "tough shirt, that's what the camera says, that's the price you have to pay"

In the same vein, when red light cameras first became a thing I know for a fact that the duration of yellow at some lights were shortened

Those cameras are just a way for local governments to tax people, mostly people who don't live in that town. They are no different than small towns that have speed traps with quickly reducing speeds and Sheriffs waiting to ticket the unsuspecting. I'm sure they sometimes read the wrong speed, but overall they are correct. But it's still a bullshirt and unnecessary way to tax people. And the worst part is they are usually done by a private company who are doing it for profit so, they are never going to allow for judgment calls. And, because it's not a criminal offense and is only a civil fine, they can get away with it not being done or reviewed by the Police. You can't get arrested for not paying them, but they can ding your credit.