QB Zach Wilson traded to the Broncos

I knew that he would be picked up pretty quick (as he was) but I didn't think he would be going to Denver because I believed that them releasing Russ meant that they were going to try and go young through the draft. Honestly, that was probably still the plan but film, combine, etc probably threw a wrench into all of that. These teams are playing serious hardball with the early picks and the question has to be asked; is he willing to risk the future for a right now pick? I mean, the fact that this move was made a month after free agency and right before the draft should be a tell-tale sign....but who knows.

I don't think people really cared for it as much as we believe that they did. If Watson mess around and get hurt and Winston takes meaningful snaps with that coach in that offensive scheme, he probably has a better chance than most to go for a starting job in 2025. It torched the little weed of a chance to do anything in New Orleans but league wide, more than likely not.

On another note, this has me weak......

My son showed me this saying "ya boy wildin." lol

Yeah I hear you on those points. The league just flat out doesn't view him as a franchise starting QB at this point and I believe some of that is because it can be difficult to take him seriously. I know many fans and players love the guy, but you can also see in his "motivational" speeches that guys are kinda snickering and wondering what the heck he's talking about sometimes lol. It's just his personality and that's all fun, but I honestly think he's seen a certain way because of it... along with not producing anything close to impressive on the field for years.

At this point, he's a character, above average backup QB and supportive teammate. And that's enough and respectable.