90% of Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory

Those cameras are just a way for local governments to tax people, mostly people who don't live in that town. They are no different than small towns that have speed traps with quickly reducing speeds and Sheriffs waiting to ticket the unsuspecting. I'm sure they sometimes read the wrong speed, but overall they are correct. But it's still a bullshirt and unnecessary way to tax people. And the worst part is they are usually done by a private company who are doing it for profit so, they are never going to allow for judgment calls. And, because it's not a criminal offense and is only a civil fine, they can get away with it not being done or reviewed by the Police. You can't get arrested for not paying them, but they can ding your credit.
this is more in conspiracy realm and not sure I believe this but I've heard that these camera companies have a VIP list to not hassle

More or less, high ranking politicans, judges, high profile executives and lawyers etc.

Catch a red light runner but the car is registered to the 18 year old son of the most litigious attorney in the state? Let's not mail that one out.

We catch the mayor's car going 20 miles over the limit? Never happened

I've heard the rumor (conspiracy theory?) that credit card and insurance companies have similar lists.

People not to fork with and be on the straight and narrow with.

Basically, don't screw with anyone who has the power to screw with you