Ireland: Saints won’t force pick at OT

But at what point are you reaching for an Offensive Tackle?

If either Joe Alt, Olunuyina Fashanu, Taliese Fuaga, Troy Fautanu, or JC Latham are available at #14, in my opinion, you aren't reaching. After that, Mims, Barton, and Guyton? Yeah... they might be considered reaches at pick #14.

Either way, were it me, unless a bonified can't-miss player is available at #14, I am seriously considering trading down for more early-round picks, possibly more than once. There are some Offensive Lineman that I really like that should be available at the end of the 1st, start of the 2nd rounds, and beyond... and the Saints need more than just one or two.

Having only two picks in the first 150 is brutal, and it seems to me that it won't end that way. I expect some maneuvering to go on with the Saints to increase the number of early-round picks. Whether trading down, trading players, or trading future picks, I don't think that the Saints can afford to stand pat with the situation in FA availability and the OL concerns.