YouTube Sunday Ticket Pricing (Update - pricing announced)

ethically fluid

Found my new band name, thanks !

I've tried over the years. I started with DirecTV's Sunday ticket standalone. Then DirectTV forced buying a base package to upgrade to HD. Then they wanted to try to charge me $700 for additional boxes. I bought a couple of years of NFL+ international which transmitted live games. The NFL cut it off.

Best deal i ever got (and the only time ive ever had Sunday Ticket besides this season) was circa 2011 or 2012, when there was some partnership between EA Sports i think and the NFL, where if you bought the new Madden game for $99 , you automatically got a code to use to get Sunday Ticket for free for the whole season.. i was in my 30s and hadnt played video games in over 20 yrs, so i gave the Madden game to my nephew and used the code, as a fan living out of market , to watch every Saints game that year.. unfortunately they never ran that promotion again, to my knowledge .

It takes 30 seconds to turn on a VPN, and 3 clicks to start a stream.

Im curious, as an out of market Saints fan who has used illegal streams for several years- does it make a difference if you use a VPN ? If not, then why do you use one ? I have a VPN for when im working out of the country, but ive never used it here in the USA, or when using an illegal stream to watch sports here .. just curious …