The Science of Fasting

Update: I'm down to 224.6 this morning and I've been maintaining about 226 for the last month or so. I try to IF 16/8 everyday, but I've backed off on the strict Keto and have been eating some carbs. I had some labs done about 2 weeks ago and my A1C was down to 5.6 from 7.3 in October. I want to break through this plateau, but this was my weight for many years while on active duty so this plateau might be harder to break.
Yeah, the body likes homeostasis and will adapt. Some times an extended (72+ hr) fast helps bust thru the floor for me. Standard beware risks consult Dr disclaimer applies.

Congrats on the A1C. You can be proud of that because millions of others are waiting on meds to do it for them. Means you're healing from the SAD diet.