Kool Aid McKinstry: How do you like the pick?

I'm fine with the pick. Good player at a position that's hard to find and acquire good players, and very expensive to sign proven vets. I feel the same about the first round pick. We always discuss and debate NEED vs BPA, and a lot of folks think that CB wasn't a need. I get that, but I don't think you can ever have to many offensive linemen or cornerbacks. Same goes for a few other positions, but fielding a shaky OL and street FAs and UDFAs in the secondary oughta be pretty fresh in the minds of saints fans. Having three stud CBs on the field and one on the bench might seem like a waste, until it's week 7 and you're starting a special teamer at LCB and QBs are using that dude like an ATM at a casino on 3rd and long, all game, every game.

The draft is for acquiring players to improve your team and for filling out your roster. Sometimes you fill current holes on your roster, sometimes you fill upcoming holes. If you wait to fill holes AFTER they become holes, you're usually desperate. Desperation leads to desperate bad decisions. Even if you hit on your desperate decision, the player has to be ready immediately with no time to develop. So drafting to fix an immediate problem isn't a horrible decision, but if THAT player isn't available (according to your scouting process), then drafting a really good player to solve a future crisis isn't a bad play at all. And that's what we did last night.