Todays Presidential "statement of the day"....

The national average right now for unleaded gas is $3.16. Not that it won't happen, but gas prices would have to rise another 27% for it to get to $4 when the cost of crude oil is at an all time high. If you listen to the news conference, he doesn't say that he doesn't know what the cost of gas is, but that he hasn't heard that "experts" predict the prices to go up to $4/gallon.

Again, like him or not, but if you think the existing administration does not know about the price of gas, then it is not me calling you out, its yourself.

So then what you are saying is that you are perfectly fine paying $4 for a gallon of gas, while the current Administration sits back and watches the consequences. Are you at all familiar with any of the ramifications of $4 gas? ( and when I say ramifications, i mean those that will negatively affect the American consumer - hint ) Either you choose not to be involved, or cant be...whatever the case its sad commentary that someone of your age has no general interest in this issue and how it will affect millions, not today, not tomorrow, but months from now. Enjoy that economic stimulus money while you spend it at your local Shell station. ( unless you bike to work of course )