Catholic Church Scandal!

Same same.. Well, kinda.. i didnt get married in a church, but the other stuff i quoted above applies to me as well.. I too am a Recovering Catholic of over 20 years.. I think it’s painfully obvious at this point that it’s more than just “a few bad apples” that make up the Catholic Church at this point, it’s an entire systemic pattern of grossness that infests Catholicism.. and it makes all the “Hollywood pedo” stuff that’s been in the news lately seem like child’s play, pun intended.. The Catholic stuff is way worse.. not to compare two extremely disturbing patterns, but the truth hurts .
Which is probably why allowing priests to get married would help alleviate some of the existing issues surrounding child sex abuse that has surrounded Catholic Church for honesty, centuries. It wouldn’t be a complete panacea but it would help. You don’t see the systemic high level of child abuse occurring on the same level let’s say among many Protestant denominations.

Crazy, interesting thing is, Blue, is that even though Vatican had a prohibition against priests marrying as far back as ancient Roman late antiquity, for centuries many lay and ecclesiastical priests got married and had children and it was either overlooked, condoned, or hardly criticized. It wasn’t until the late 15th/early 16th centuries with the rise of Lutheranism and Protestant reformers that the Catholic Church began hitting down hard on the prohibition against priests marrying and having children.