Catholic Church Scandal!

Which is probably why allowing priests to get married would help alleviate some of the existing issues surrounding child sex abuse that has surrounded Catholic Church for honesty, centuries. It wouldn’t be a complete panacea but it would help. You don’t see the systemic high level of child abuse occurring on the same level let’s say among many Protestant denominations.
How many married teachers abuse their students? Should all teacher's be forced to be married before they begin teaching? It isn't the lack of marriage, it is the monster in the person. When the monster is allowed to steer the wheel and encouraged to do so by lack of consequences and blatant coverup by the shepherds, then the monster gets more empowered and attracts similar monsters to the herd.

There could be 100,000 good and honorable men in the priesthood and if 5 are abusers of children and the remaining do nothing while they witness deceit then I will argue that there were not 100,000 good and honorable men to begin with.