Catholic Church Scandal!

Sf, that’s part of my larger point. You can criticize, condemn the Catholic Church all day long and still you won’t have your name, your family’s names, or relatives names put on some huge, massive Internet church database system where Church officials make up or exaggerate crimes or terrible things you’ve supposedly done and defend their actions as “ fair play”.

Their have been a few members of my family that have left the Catholic Church but we still get along and socialize with them and love each other as family members.

In cults like Scientology, if a member leaves, every other member, relative still apart of the Church has to “disconnect” from them—cut off all communication, dialogue, forms of expression with their friend or loved ones. It’s similar to shunning among many Amish/Mennonite communities except perhaps 10x worse and more damaging and humiliating.

If you haven’t seen Leah Remini’s Scientology expose already, you need to. It’s on Netflix right now if you have it.

You missed my much larger point.....I'm not comparing levels of cultism here.....