Catholic Church Scandal!

Still, you can criticize it, condemn it, call it out for its moral/ethical failures, or institutional corruption and still not have your name or your family’s names dragged through the mud online or attacked. They won’t “Fair Play”. If you confess to any priest, it’s of your own free will, your not forced to sit in rooms and give up or say embarrassing, sensitive personal information that could later be used against you by E-meter polygraph machines.

If you stop attending mass or don’t donate and declare you’re an atheist, I don’t think there’s some policy that states your family and loved ones are forbidden from talking or even communicating with you anymore.

Sure. I mean, I'm not saying that the Church of Scientology is not a horrible cult. And they have done many terrible things including the things you mention. And, yes, you can speak out against the Catholic Church without fear of reprisal today (at least in America). But, they too have done their fair share of horrible things for many centuries.

And, a few centuries ago many were burned at the stake tortured, or otherwise killed or shunned from society if they spoke out or questioned the Catholic Church or belief in the Christina god in general. And some of that continued into the 19th, 20th, and even 21st century. So, it wasn't that long ago that you could not say you were an atheist or leave churches without severe punishment or even death. Even now that's the case in some places.

Then again, that's the nature of almost every human organization. They often become corrupt and do horrible things. Some even start out that way.