90% of Americans believe at least one conspiracy theory

Judging by my Facebook feed, it's more like half of the people believe 90% of the conspiracy theories out there. The rationale for going down those rabbit holes too often begins with, "I watched a video on YouTube/Instagram/X, etc. posted by an expert". Said expert usually turns out to be an expert at either grifting, spreading disinformation, or both.

I was watching a podcast with Josh Brolin the other day, who I don't know a lot about, but he seems like a perfectly reasonable person, until he started to seamlessly weave between 9/11 truthing, the JFK Junior plane crash conspiracy, among others, fancying himself a "researcher." :rolleyes: The host was shocked.

It's like once you believe one you have to believe them all. But it seems to me, that you only need to debunk one conspiracy before you realize that its the same people pushing the other ones for equally dumb reasons.

I know the way the twin towers fell was perfectly reasonable since I understand building frames and fire resistance assemblies on a professional level (long story short, all structure and all fireproofing will eventually fail when engulfed in flames of any temperature). I don't know anything about JFK Jr, nor do I care, but if the same people that don't understand how buildings fall down also want me to believe that JFK Jr's crash was an inside job, I am inclined to believe the opposite.