Catholic Church Scandal!

Nothing ever happened to me at the hands of the Catholic church other than the raised on guilt thing. I don't attend anymore because of the pedophilia but also with how rigid school was. I was a rebellious little thing and the nuns didn't care much for that nonsense! When I think back to how we were expected to be perfect and I see what has been going on within the church, well you know.
It isn't easy to set aside the only thing you've ever known. All I know is that my grandmother was the holiest person I've ever known, not the myriad of priests and nuns who were supposed to be.
And there I go, judging again...
Yeah it wasn't the priests for me but the nuns

They had stopped the physical punishment by the 80s, but the psychological mind fork games continued. At least for some of them (others were quite caring/nice people)

I remember when I was in 2nd grade, anyone whose desk wasn't perfect would have it dumped on the floor while we at recess.