I'm putting this here because I think it's illustrative of the failings of the Archdiocese of New Orleans.
This year, a Catholic high school in the Archdiocese went on their senior trip to Disney. Several (SEVERAL) students brought drugs (not just marijuana, btw) along with them and got busted. Parents were called and a few were flown home. All of the students who brought drugs across state lines were expelled. The parents of those students threatened to sue the Archdiocese so the Head of Catholic Schools for New Orleans reversed the expulsions after 15 days. Those seniors will not have to take senior exams b/c they missed two weeks of school. They'll get to walk across the stage, attend Project Graduation, the whole deal. No lessons learned, apart from being rich gets you to avoid the consequences of your actions. And the Archdiocese caved. They have no guts, no sense of right and wrong, nothing but cowardice.