No HBCU players taken in the ‘24 NFL Draft

Disclaimer X two:
I am a fitness junkie. My ex wife is Hawaiian.
My trips to Hawaii, I witnessed some amazing things to say the least. None more than going to beaches and watching fitness coaches train people. Saw kids, teenagers, young adults, and older adults partake in some very serious activities. These coaches had these folks hauling ocean water in two buckets, hanging from a stick all over the beach. Sand sprints by pulling larger attendees, carrying another person on their shoulder through the sand. Bear crawls with someone on their backs. Swimming against the current. Capped off by rowing in those canoe type things they have, etc. It was like an intense CrossFit class but more intense and on the beach. I asked the coaches how often do they train per week. He responded with “everyday”. Asked them some other questions like how young do they start out?, how long are the training sessions?, what time do they start in the morning?, etc. Needless to say, I now know why that culture are Beastmode. Not to mention that they are very family centered. Give me a team of them and I would be happy