Reopen the Kent State file and charge the appropriate guardsmen with murder...

Yes he’s a bigot - but citing just feels like a weak guilt by association
if he’s being used as an agitprop, you’re citing him just gives credence to ‘msm’ using him
You hit their bait
I just forking hate how they give him some legitimacy and pretend what he's said in the past doesn't matter and that he has some relevance. Cozying on up to him and not challenging his BS like they do with Trump.

You don't see them doing that with David Duke, Guido. I hate how they sometimes give Farrakhan a pass and try to bullshirt me into thinking he's "misunderstood" or not the monster he's been portrayed to be.

My criticism stays where it is and I will never apologize for my feelings or sentiments towards that butt crevasse maternal fornicator.