Who is going to win the QB 2 job?

We wouldn't have five quarterbacks on the preseason roster if the new OC thought Taysom was going to be #2 or #3. He will still be a gadget guy. If Carr goes down and Taysom is #2, you have a mediocre drop back quarterback and you lose the versatility of Taysom the gadget. You can't run Taysom left and right on a full time basis.
The thread is based on QB2 and since emergency QB is mentioned I have to assume you are talking Game Day QB. If so then we only ever dress out two QB’s and Taysom Hill. Not once last year did they use an emergency QB designation.
So we are only talking about QB 2 for one game. Carr is one tough Hombre and has only missed limited time so if he goes down I see a possibility of using him as number 2. We did not do that last year because of JW and no one other than Carr was close to JW last year. We have no JW’s this year. Currently Taysome is our second best QB.