Official Wrasslin' Thread (renamed to reflect the discussion)

Did anyone hear how Prime I think is getting sued because it's been found to have a LOT of forever chemicals in it? I thought that would make them pull the sponsorship, but that hasn't happened yet.
If I am remembering correctly, they have been shown to contain some level of PFAs. Which have also been found in a lot of the trendy mineral water drinks like Topo Chico and La Croix. The ultimate problem is that there is not much that is actually understood or even known about PFAs, including what levels are safe to consume. So far it's mostly just forewarning in the sense of "hey these things are in this stuff, and it might be bad maybe".

FWIW when it came out about Topo Chico, Bubly, La Croix, I stopped drinking them. But I am still very much addicted to Waterloo, which has not been shown to have any. Yet. :hihi: