Commercials at the gas pump

This is really starting to get on my nerves. It used to be a few pumps blaring commercials in your face while the $ signs pile up, but it seems like every one of them now. Some are so loud that you can't hear each other through a rolled down window. I don't like to step away from the pump while filling up because I have seen enough malfunctions with the auto stop. Aren't we paying enough for the fuel?
I only go to about 3-4 gas stations and the only one that has the tv is the one on the Northshore

But it’s weird you bring it up, when I got my Master’s at uncg I took an acting for the camera- most of the class focused on commercials since that’s where most early pro gigs come from
Anyway, doing an ad for one of these gas pump tvs is the only assignment I really remember (this was mid 90s) - it was presented to us as ‘the next big thing’
I’d assumed that these ads would have swept the country in short order
I’m actually surprised they’re not ubiquitous - you have a captive audience …
But thinking about it , two things seem to stand out
Pay at the pump has probably decreased trips inside the store
Larger cars/tanks has actually probably decreased the amount of time someone is at the pump - most everyone filling up a landbarge puts the pump in auto and sits in their car