Reopen the Kent State file and charge the appropriate guardsmen with murder...

Well, these kids were little kids just a few years ago.

This is also easily the worst thing that Israel has done in a generation.

I think the question is really why are these kids protesting.
This whole why are they protesting narrative is getting pretty old. Straight from the anti-protest playbook in most instances. The short answer is simply: Israel's response to the October 7th attacks have been egregiously atrocious and everyone knows it.

Do these students know the totality of the history of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict? Of course not. Did the Vietnam protestors know the ins and outs of the conflict? The Iraq/Afghanistan War protestors? The Occupy Wall Street protestors?

Guido touched on this before, which I'm inclined to believe, that being of a certain age you have the energy and vitriol to protest things you know in your heart aint right. And history has shown protests much like this one were very much right to happen.