Mike Triplett/NOF’s projected 2024 Saints Offensive Line going into OTA installs

The new coaching staff hasn't had a chance to evaluate Penning and Saldiveri other than video study and their own draft prep work from their previous teams.

The one guy who is back this year is Jahri Evans. It makes me wonder if he may have had a difference of opinion on some of the guys last year than Marrone. His opinions may be why the Saints haven't rushed out to do more in free agency on the left side.

It's certainly going to be interesting.
Or why guys like Udoh, Lemieux and Herron were brought in as stop gaps.

I think people will be surprised with how well the UNIT plays together with these selected patch work guys who are familiar with the blocking system mixed in with talented players like Penning, Ruiz, McCoy and Saldiveri.