Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

No but the actual facts need to be presented which certainly don't include "will stop the transmission of the virus" and not talking about the risks of myocardia but I guess it's only misinformation when it is something you are ideologically opposed to

Passing it off by saying "all vaccines carry risks so it doesn't matter" is ridiculous. If we were talking about any other medication brought to the market that hadn't been politically charged, you would agree
But those facts were addressed. Most of us here even talked about it several months and pages ago. The biggest fact is that the misinformation was out there on the internet and every person that had a gripe with the government latched onto it and wouldn’t let go. A lot of the information you are complaining about was cleared up. The vaccine was and is not a silver bullet. It was rushed because people were dying. If someone is bleeding, you don’t forego the tourniquet because it doesn’t heal the wound.