Are you willing to get the Covid vaccine when offered?

Yes, there are. And there are similar cases with all kinds of medicines. That's not unique to the Covid vaccines. They're still exceptionally rare cases.
Definitely not unique to covid, but there are a lot of people experiencing some pretty long term side effects to the covid vaccines(my cousin has terribly increased blood pressure and POTS to this day, and it was attributed to the covid vaccine by medical professionals) and if you were to mention them in any shape or form you were labeled an anti-vaxxer as if you were a flat earther.

My take in all this is I have a huge problem with the billions and billions of dollars these drug companies made, everyone trusted them implicitly and at the same time these drug companies have done some heinous things in their past and we all of a sudden trust them without question?

Pfizer was hit with the largest criminal fine in history($2.3 Billion) but yet as a whole we(the United States) trusted them without a glance. Pfizer Inc.,marketing of the drug Bextra.