LOST -the iconic TV series- Legacy, etc

So The Leftovers is probably top 3 alltime show (across the board, but for argument’s sake, I’ll stick to ‘genre’ shows)
- the strike not withstanding- The Leftovers shows what Lost could have been without network interference
It’s chief lesson was ‘don’t answer the mystery’
Accept that there are people who don’t like ambiguity and don’t like non-linear storytelling tell and there’s plenty of Slow Horses and Yellowstones for them
In hindsight this was a journey show not a destination show
I argue that the journey by itself was worth it

Have not seen Leftovers so cant speak to that.. re Lost, it wasnt the ‘non linear storytelling ‘ i had an issue with, not at all.. i kinda liked some of the flashbacks in the first couple seasons.. it’s my opinion that the writers ‘answering the mystery’ with vague and ambiguous mystical elements was nothing but a cop out, since they couldnt think of anything better.. and it was painfully obvious to me as the seasons went on that they were stuck and looking for an easy way out .. not that I could have done any better, but im not paid to be a television writer, or an executive for that matter .