The Electric Vehicle (EV) discussion thread (Merged)

That's too simplistic of a take and inaccurate.

I know a TON of people who would love to buy an electric vehicle but Charging Station Availability and Price Points have kept them from doing so.

Last year 300,000 Toyota Camrys were sold in the united states, 3000 Lamborghinis were sold here. Saying that a large portion of the public doesn't want to buy a Lambo would be a misrepresentation.

I said it was simple... as far as accuracy... blame the math. Anecdotal.... I don't know a single person who wants one.... And I said pricing and charging are keeping the few that do.... out of the market...

And I think that if you asked 100 random people if they wanted a Lambo - or something else - and price point is affordable and identical... not many are choosing Lambo... It also isn't practical for most... LOL