Todays Presidential "statement of the day"....

ok lets make it more simple for you....if you take in $100 a day, and....
the cost is $50 then your profit is $50.....let say costs go up $ 10 and you pass this on to the consumer(which is what the oil companies say they are doing and is the "only reason gas prises are going up) ...then you take in $110....cost is now $60, your profit is still $50...hence the same, not 50%
more than you where already getting....simple math

Its a bit more complicated that that...Part of the problem is that barrells of oil are purchased in US $ and right now the $ US is pretty week. So the comapnies that SUPPLY the oil and charging more per bl to offset thier loss from accepting the $US instead of the Euro, pound etc. So that has to be factored in as well.