Todays Presidential "statement of the day"....

no, you are correct; however this theory although is a correct theory, its not the "whole" picture or reasoning of why Exxon posted the largest profit in recorded history last year. If you look at the daily price (or costs) of oil per barrel against the daily average of gas prices each day, it's NOT the same ratio (FYI: One barrel of oil, refined makes 19.6 gallons of gas), hence "someone" is making more money somewhere... Yes, part of it is going to the individual gas station owners and some of it's going to the transportation co's who are delivering it...... Pretty much everyone involved in the gas industry makes their share of profits from this, but over all this is where Exxon has made their "record profits".... So in short, yes you are right about the profit margin staying the same but when the prices are driven up, then the $$ actually goes up too..... But in all reality this is just an excuse from Exxon to hide the fact that they are literally rapeing everyone....

<nitf>For instance, in 2004 Exxon Mobil earned more money -- $25.33 billion -- than any other company on the Fortune 500 list of largest corporations. But by another measure of profitability, gross profit margin, it ranked No. 127.</nitf>

<nitf>Jay Taparia, a lecturer in finance at the University of Illinois at Chicago and an expert on interpreting financial statements, said a quarterly profit or loss can only be judged in context, given the history of the company and its long-term prospects.</nitf>

<nitf>"People who are freaking out about Exxon's record profit are the same people who were freaking out about AOL Time Warner's record losses" of $98.2 billion in 2002, he said. "One quarter's net income or loss doesn't mean anything."</nitf>

What is your definition of "excessive profits" that you seem to be applying to oil companies? Would you feel better about it if these companies split up into 10 smaller companies and each one of them made 10% of the overall profit? Would that "look better" to you? Even if it changed nothing?