One of the Backups Starting?

Everyone seems to forget we also have TH7 on the roster, who has shown the ability to run the Drew Brees offense (that DC had trouble adjusting to) and at a competent level. If DC should be unable to start a game (and he will have every opportunity, see 2023), I would believe that TH7 would be the gameplan for that week before Haener or Rattler would get thrown out there. Now, unless the season is a wash already, at which point you don't put TH7 out there and chance injury with his salary, at that point I think you trot either or both Haener & Rattler out there and kick them tires!
Yeah, we’ve seen so many teams drafting their future QB like the Falcons situation with Kirk Cousins and I see if for some reason DC4 stinks it up, there’ll be quick calling for Rattler maybe. Maybe the crowd in the Super Dome can bring rattle snake shakers!