One of the Backups Starting?

I think it's entirely possible, but only for injury. Looking at last year and referencing the JW2 situation isn't a valid comparison, because the OCs are different. For whatever reason, he never liked JW2....maybe because of JWs risk-taking gunslinger mentality...maybe personal reasons....who really knows? And you don't "skip over" QB2 to start QB3 (who missed the 1st 6 weeks of rookie development). But it is still DA at HC calling the shots (in theory), but he has selected every QB on this roster. No doubt DC4 is "his guy", but if DC4 isn't available (injury only, IMO), I don't think there's any reason he wouldn't go to Haener or Rattler. Folks keep bringing up TH7 as the QB2.....ain't gonna happen....not under this regime. TH7 was familiar with the CSP/PC offense. He was an option last year (in place of JW2), and they went with JW2. TH7 will be learning a NEW offense from the eyes of a TE. The Saints will NOT be taking valuable reps away from DC4, Haener, Rattler, or Peterman who ALL need as many reps as possible to learn and/or acclimate to KKs system. I'll be truly shocked if TH7 gets ANY reps in this offense, let alone classroom time. TH7 is no longer a QB in the Saints organization. And the folks who saw him in that role are all with the Broncos now....coaches and players. If TH7 plays QB again, it won't be in the B&G. And I'm saying that as a HUGE fan of TH7.

Our BEST hope is that Rattler or Haener (or both!) truly grasp the KK offense and LIGHT...IT...UP! DC4 is a proven average to above-average QB who has never won anything and struggled to achieve winning seasons in a consistent fashion. He's not a bad QB, but he doesn't have "it" either. I like him as a person, and I wish him well. But he's at the tail end of his career, and he's already "maxed out", IMO. I'd like to see Ratter or Haener grab the bull by the horns, while still on their cheap rookie contracts(!) and force the Saints to take the exit ramp from the DC4 contract. I see his contract as the simplest, lowest pain option to clean up the most cap the quickest. While his contract isn't an "albatross", it's also not a contract you want to continue carrying, considering his "maxed out" production. JMO...