
Nice try and using some mental gymnastics to avoid saying he or we made a mistake. I see posters here on SR making similar arguments or philosophical or logical fallacies all the time and no one counters by quoting Hume or G.E. Moore.

The problem, as I see it, is that "optics" from 2014 show Putin defying world opinion and international law by seizing territory from a weak, divided country and later on, some people use "whataboutism" to cover up not admitting maybe we made a mistake because it was one mistake among many. At least bclemms was honest enough to say we can admit we made a mistake and try to do better, in retrospect.
I guess I better reevaluate if you're able to read my mind. I didn't know I was thinking about all of that just to avoid saying "We made a mistake."

See I can say that. Now what were we talking about???

Oh yeah, Can you teleport things from one place to another as well telepath. That would be so cool.


Good thing that you're introducing G.E. Moore as an either or proposition. I would think that quoting both Hume and G.E. Moore mixed up together at the same time would lead to a hard vacumb. they would tend to cancel each other.

Mere mortal matter would likely evaporate in such an environment.

I suppose don't know what I would do with G.E. Moore, I don't tend to agree with him that much. I become irritated with him, with Kant as well. I simply kant Kant.

Humor is how I hang in there.