One of the Backups Starting?

God I love the infatuation with backup QBs. There's this idea that they are probably awesome or at least better than the starter. Then they actually play and you see why they were the backup to begin with...most of the time. We've seen some backups take over and ball out of control making you wonder why they weren't the starter the whole time.

So I guess I'd say that if see Haener or Rattler starting for us this season then something has gone horribly wrong unless something magical is happening. Maybe Haener gets the nod and we have a Brady taking over for Drew Bledsoe situation. Maybe Rattler comes in and we have a Kurt Warner filling in for Trent Green type deal. We might be one snap away from having The Greatest Show On Turf Part 2: The Sequel. You never know. That's the beauty of a backup QB. Until they actually play it's Schrödinger's QB.