Just another day in New Orleans

To think there was ever a time that I thought she might be a breath of fresh air…

…then again, there was a time that I thought that about Nagin also.

I'm with you on Nagin. I really thought he was going to bring change to the city. I was wrong. As far as LaToya, I had some amount of contact with her prior to her being elected and I knew she was going to be bad news. She hid it well before the election, but it was always clear to me that she was a step back to the New Orleans politics of old and just a nasty person who treated other people like dirt. She was also way too close to Marlin Gusman and his political machine.

But, I can see how if you were never close to her, you would think she was a good option. I know people who were close to her that didn't realize how bad she would be.