Just another day in New Orleans

She completely checked out after the recall and doubled down on the boondoggles. Why bother working if you can travel the world for free? She knows there is no downside for her and she probably can parlay her time as mayor into a Morial-esque job with some national org when she's out.

On the bright side, there is probably some benefit gained for us too - in the same way that an orange cone was better than Jason David, "no mayor" is largely better than "Latoya as mayor." The city certainly hasn't gotten any WORSE since she quit working.

That's a fair point and it probably is true that no mayor is better than LaToya doing what she would do if she were working. But the entire city just seems like a rudderless ship at this point. I think some on the council are trying, but with no leadership from a Mayor and no control over things that only the Mayor controls, it's nearly impossible for the council to do anything.