Andrus Peat signs with the Raiders (Merged)

In my opinion, Peat owes us money for A) being overpaid on last contract and B) all the money received while not playing while on IR. Goes to show that he has no loyalty for all that the franchise did for him over the years.
The only thing players are loyal to is the all mighty dollar. We can pretend they are loyal to a team or region but at the end of the day, it is the dollar that rules all. Conversely, a player is one injury away from being discarded from a team. It's a business, not a friendship. I don't like it either but when there is a ship load of money, loyalties fade.

Peat left because he was not wanted until they needed him. He was on the bench until injuries and poor play to the O-line pushed him to the front. If I was in Peat's shoes, I would have left as well. I get it.