Andrus Peat signs with the Raiders (Merged)

Is Sandra Bullock on that bus?

The offseason strikes again. Penning couldn’t get on the field over guys literally signed the week of games. And now he is going to solidify the RT position. There truly is no better hallucinogenic drug than the offseason.
Lol there isn't a single GM in the league who doesn't feel good about the prospects of it's team during the off-season. I'm no different. when the bullets start flying during the season I'm sure I'll be far more cynical, for now hope is good. If that doesn't work for you cool, but don't chide me because it's not your steez, and I won't knock on your front door and complain about your pessimism.

Now if you want to know how I'm coming to that conclusion or what insights/logic I'm using I'd be happy to detail it as it's based in more than just "off-season" optimism and a hit of speed.