I really like this person's twitter feed. Watch these brown boots on the side of that stream doing exactly the correct thing for a wet bear event like that.
The correct thing is to not move. The correct thing is to not focus your eyes on the bear, look just bit to the side so you can see him without provoking him.
I think that's a male bear, there's a clump of wet fur in the right place for it, if not what I thought I was seeing,,, what I perhaps thought I saw. But then from the rear... . I don't know.
Notice the boots are just-a-lounging around, not trying to be taller than that bear, or offencive to the bear in any way. They're not scared boots. There's so many of them there. They're not worried about nothin kind of brown boots.
I wonder if those brown boots have marsupial pouches. That would be real cool.