Report: Saints aren’t paying their fair share of payments for Superdome renovations (Update: Saints paid up!)

Haha, I’ve been in a very similar situation with the State of Louisiana before.

They want money without the documentation necessary to confirm that the money is going where it’s supposed to go. They refuse to provide it, you hold firm while politely informing them that the money will be transferred with the press of a button as soon as you receive the documentation. So instead they go public to put public pressure on the “rich guys reneging on the deal”.

Because the State of Louisiana can be trusted to not divert money to unintended places, right? 🤦‍♂️

Too bad my execs folded like a cheap suit. They’ll hold firm if it’s Nigeria or Indonesia, because they can go to jail if the money goes in someone’s pockets. In the States though? Not so much.