Report: Saints aren’t paying their fair share of payments for Superdome renovations (Update: Saints paid up!)

That’s starting to put two and two together.

Somehow I missed how all the parties could agree to spend this much money without an ironclad long term lease. And I don’t call 2030 long term.

I think the last lease was like 10 years. We are 5 years away from the end of the last lease. It's hard for either side to commit beyond that, but I think the point of the prior lease was to do the renovations during that lease and, if all went smooth with that, a new long term lease would be signed. Apparently they have some differences on what that lease would look like and adding 6 Jeff Landry appointees to the LSED probably does not help since he has made it clear he is no fan of New Orleans. But, they have 5 years to work it out.