I think the reasoning is that women are more susceptible to "appearance" issues then men ( i think men are more susceptible to appearance of wealth issues/strength/virulence etc )
The marketing these companies put out is in DIRECT correlation to that aspect.
Same with men ( ED ads, GNC type ads over 40 etc, cars etc )
Same with kids
Target marketing has become quite adept at figuring out how to "motivate" its audience.
anecdotal but part of the convo:
wife went to dermatologist last week for annual scan. All good. Yet i get a notification of $179 charge...hmmm. Get home, and we casually talking and im like "when did dr. XXX start charging $179 for a scan?!" she said " no it was only $50 co pay" - ok so whats the $179.
Oh thats an anti wrinkle cream. ( and i kid you not, the tube is no bigger than that of like Oragel type tube )
im like "babe you hardly have any wrinkles"
She said " EXACTLY! " ( its not the cream, lol she under 45 so hasnt happened just yet )