
And yet still, just to show the absurdity, banal asinine reasoning and the overall human cost (so far and this number will rise ultra-expotentially) the Russian Federation forces have lost over in KIA/MIA over 9x more then what we suffered and lost in nearly a decade with military operations in Southeast Asia (not just Vietnam but also Cambodia in 1970) we also lost a few servicemen, IIRC, in the last few days in April 1975 helping to remove and get out last remaining non-essential (and essential personnel, like business CEO's American ex-pats, ambassador Lodge III and his staff, embassy guards, families, a few NGO's, and I think we also pulled a few essential non-American European ambassadors, European civilians, and their staffs.

I could be wrong, but Russia's current death toll in Ukraine might be slightly higher then our entire military casualties during WWII in European, North African and Pacific theaters over 3 1/2 years. The official Soviet military death toll just for the final Battle of Berlin over two weeks in mid-late April 1945 was a little over 200,000 KIA, MIA, or wounded. If one watches quite a few of the old British pre-movie short films depicting WWII victory parades or old Soviet propoganda films in black-and-white, immediately afterwards like summer/fall 1945, you see mostly women taking part and actively engaging in the celebration rituals in Mowcow's Red Square because a good portion of Soviet male population had been killed or too badly wounded during WWII or were stationed elsewhere to be involved.