
Another coward.
Does it really surprise you that a former left-wing West German political radical in the Green Party who was known and avowed for his anti-NATO, pro-Soviet, former East German sympathies in the 70's and 80's that the GDR's Volkshalle, and the Stasi named him "a rare, West German bulwark and ally against West German and NATO expansion into Eastern Europe" in the 80's during the Cold War. Shotlz emerged from a very diverse, radical and extremist group of far-left radicals, terrorists like the Red Guards, Beider-Meinhof Gang, LZ, which had branches all over West Germany, Italy, Paris and parts of underground areas in eastern France, the 6th of July Movement which kind of started wave of far left terrorism from the late 60's-1977's "Deutschen Auben-German Autumn", a series of calculated wave of kidnappings, terrorist attacks, high-profile murders and shootouts with the Bundspolizei. Some of their complaints actually had some merit because you see, one generation after WWII, their were still significant elements of West German society, government, culture, politics or admitting or showing true, legitimate remorse amongst most West Germans for starting WWII and the Holocaust were still prescient. Their were quite a few CDU, Free Democrats MP's, politicians that had Nazi ties and people like Axel Springer (Germany's Rupert Murdoch in a way, still owned a disportionate amount of major German newspapers), West Germany was a growing democracy but even by the late 60's had a strong, very conservative materialist society and culture that many " New Left" intellectuals and idealogues and later, radicals didnt appreciate and felt they, (and East Germany) wasnt opening and admitting its deep, dark sins committed in the 1930's and 40's.

The mid-late 60's Western "counterculture" had and shared quite a few of these same anti-establishment criticisms, rebellions, but in West Germany, their cultural and political leaders had 100x more to answer then what their US, British or even French counterparts did, save perhaps the ongoing Vietnam War.

Stoltz sort of emerged from that environment except he never really got his hands dirty or became too closely associated with GDR or Soviet double-agents, foreign intellegence operatives, like Putin did being a handler for wanted West German Red Guard leaders and militants who fled to East Germany in the late 70's as a KGB colonel. All he was ever seen and percieved by Stasi and Soviet officials was a highly "useful idiot". A traitor probably as well as being a coward.