Report: Saints aren’t paying their fair share of payments for Superdome renovations (Update: Saints paid up!)

Hard to figure but heres my take.

LSED dosen't have the money to finish. They need the Saints to pay so the project can be finished.
Saints see this as leverage opportunity in negotiating a favorable long term lease so they withold payment leaving the project's completion in question.
LSED turns leverage around by leaking story and putting heat back on Saints.
Saints counter with press release putting blame on LSED.
LSED now says they have no idea what Saints are talking about trying to shift responsibility back to Saints.

It's a nasty game of negotiations initiated by the Saints because they see blood (and embarrassment) in the water. It sounds like Lauscha. He was Tom's hitman then, and now.

As for the relocation discussion, if the Saints were to move, I think they would be paired up with the Jaguars and become the first 2 international teams.