
I'm not exactly getting the hint, Sam.

Can you kind of tell me a little more explicitly what "maybe" happened here in a PM? Please, that would be a huge, enormous favor and I very much be in your debt?

Thank you for any consideration, either way.
Saintman, when someone's offering a hint, it's bound to be a situation where they don't want to say the quiet part out loud.

Well, anyway the news has since come out and there's not a quite part aspect about this any more. The fellows in front of that second helicopter which I labeled as a "hint" have all died in that same helicopter you see in that photo.

The what happened next to that photo was they got on to it and flew off to their sudden deaths.

The also what happened next is a significant portion populations of the Earth celebrated one of those guys fiery death. "Good Riddance" is what they tended to say Most of the sayers being from his own country Iran.