Pete Carmichael Jr will be coming back for Revenge

Another curious development is that PC was here for essentially 16-17 years and likely never got the same respect, admiration, or focus from all of his players under him the same manner Kubiak has managed to achieve and gain in less then 5 months.I don't think its unfair to argue or speculate that in all the years Carmichael was here, most of the players, assistants, Payton himself saw him as an underling. Sort of similar to how Mora viewed Bill Kuharich after Finks' retirement and death in 1994, even though Kuharich had the title of "executive GM", he was never going to be seen and revered in the same manner Mora treated a legend like Jim Finks, who he had worked with and achieved so much since they both arrived in New Orleans in early 1986.