Demanding, Detailed, Accountable Klint Kubiak is winning over coaches and players alike

Not to harp on you, but this morning you defended Ole Sneaky Pete, yet this thread you are saying that he is inept at being the “man” when calling plays?!?!

I’ll tell you what it is. Pete doesn’t have that “it” when he is the guy bc some people shrink when all eyes are on him. Just look at the first 2 wins of the season. DC4 had to tell Pete what plays to call in the clutch, that led us to victories. Hence why he was never poached, why he never wanted to leave SP, hence why he never wanted the job as OC when SP left. We literally wasted two years bc 🦌 failed to see something that was clear as day.

I had to go 26-28 weeks of two football seasons, going to the bathroom, washing my hair, doing laundry when our offense is was on the field bc of the ineptitude of Sneaky Pete. I hate having to kick it straight but that was a brutal stretch of offensive football. Denver can have him and I wish him well, as long as he’s far away from here

It's funny how easily most people misinterpret what I say.

I didn't defend Pete the play-caller. I said dismissing his ability to design plays as though he's some wash of a coach is not intelligent. Not being a good play-caller doesn't correlate with not being a bright offensive mind. Pete was miscast as a play-caller, he's not miscast as an OC. Some people are better behind the scenes. And you absolutely meant to harp, I respect it when it's just said vs preceded with a disclaimer like "not to harp on you" Cheers