
Been jumpy all day, been jumpy all week. I sorted it out. I'm ""hearing""" earthquakes.

They make me jumpy and all the wildlife in the forest jumpy. I can't actually hear it, but they can. What I can do is get near objects which will resonate a doubling and quadrupling of the subsonic vibration. I can't hear the approximately 20 hz bass sounds, but I can hear 80 hz harmonic amplification of 20 hz vibration.

My shop roll up doors when they are closed will vibrate at 20 hz and sound those multiple harmonics such that they are loud. A deep almost continuous rumbling from within the Earth which many of the critters can hear, but not actually feel all that much if at all.

Hear-Here are the high points of that very minor quake activity from 13 Km below my feet. Some vibration is vibrating my shop doors almost continuously for what I would assume have been for days now. So these quake listings are just the high points, the ones I might have been able to feel, but didn't feel because I was on my feet at my house.

And up until today didn't hear because I was in my house a few miles from my large steel building shop. My handy dandy all steel harmonic earth movement natural amplifier.

The center of those quakes are about 3 or 4 miles to the west, but are 8 miles down. That means they are located more under my feet than they are off to the side of my feet. If they were to create a giant pit, I would fall into it where I am. I would be on the side of that deep pit.

No wonder I'm jumpy, and the critters all around are jumpy.

7 hours ago 2.8 magnitude, 13 km depth
Mariposa, California, United States

2 days ago 1.5 magnitude, 9 km depth
Yosemite Valley, California, United States

2 days ago 2.5 magnitude, 15 km depth
Mariposa, California, United States

4 days ago 2.2 magnitude, 16 km depth
Mariposa, California, United States

4 days ago 2.3 magnitude, 8 km depth
Mariposa, California, United States

1 week ago 2.5 magnitude, 21 km depth
Mariposa, California, United States

1 week ago 1.8 magnitude, 18 km depth
Yosemite Valley, California, United States

1 week ago 2.2 magnitude, 19 km depth
Mariposa, California, United States

2 weeks ago 1.9 magnitude, 0 km depth
Bonadelle Ranchos-Madera Ranchos, California, United States

3 weeks ago 2.3 magnitude, 21 km depth
Le Grand, California, United States
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