Peat chose to leave

Why would he decide to stay? He agreed to an outright pay cut last year to help the team’s cap situation, only to be benched before the season started, then was only called upon when Penning stunk up the joint at LT and he came in and played admirably, essentially salvaging what would’ve been an abysmal season. And on top of all that, you’re the majority of the fanbase’s whipping boy any time something goes awry.

Now fast forward to 2024, the team has drafted another 1st round rookie tackle, they’re still holding out hope Ramczyk can play another season, oh and that guy that we benched you for last season only to turn around and bench him for poor performance? Yeah he’s still going to be in front of you on the depth chart if you re-sign here, even if Ramczyk retires and the rookie starts.

No time for tears now that the milk has spilled. The majority of Saints fans been trying to push Peat out the door for years and they’re finally appeased. And this is the OL we’re all faced with having to watch this season.