Demanding, Detailed, Accountable Klint Kubiak is winning over coaches and players alike

I think there was a litany of things that happened It was not a far-fetched idea to keep the continuity with DA and even Pete, even though PC failed there were indications that he could be successful. The offense was successful in 2012 with PC calling plays and SP let Pete call plays even after he hurt his leg in 11. So there was a precedent. But PC was pretty lost without SP. One puzzling thing is for continuity's sake why did we move on from Nugent as OL coach? Roshar trained him and Roshar is a good OL coach. Also who's hire was Marrone? He was literally hired within a day of DA. Why not move Roshar from Run game coordinator/TE's back to OL coach? And them we lost Roshar to Tulane.
Another wrong move was going so hard after Watson that we lost Armstead. But make no mistake QB was a fairly big issue no matter how much you worship at the JW alter. PC was not good but you put a great QB with him and there's a big difference
Just a note, Either Underhill or someone else mentioned that Armstead was willing to take less money if we could get Watson.

We were in QB purgatory at the time. There were rumors we tried to hire other coordinators but we kind of had to settle on Pete, likely because the job was unattractive to due to uncertainty at QB.

Kubiak himself said working with Carr was one of reasons he was excited to take job.

As I’ve been saying for a while DA wasn’t put in a great situation to start. Salary cap was meh, QB situation meh, he was asked to come immediately behind the most successful coach in Saints history, draft capital was meh, roster depth meh…and yet he took the job.

He was then asked to “hold” things in place for continuity sake. 48 laws of power suggest one of the worst things you can do, when having to replace someone popular, is follow in their path. Unfortunately for the 1st two years he was trying to keep together a culture and philosophy that predated him with band aids and duct tape.

Now, this isn’t to absolve him of the situation. He made bad decisions, and yet each year he’s made better ones. He’s showing growth as a HC, perhaps not as fast as some would like, but there’s growth.